Going back to Work

Hey everybody,

I'm considering going back to work after staying at home with my family for 1 month. I realize that many of you haven't had the option to stay at home as long as I have, and I don't mean to sound as if I'm complaining. In fact, I'd really like advice from those of you who have experience transitioning back to work and dealing with the complicated and confusing feelings about doing it; as well as practical advice about creating a work schedule that feels like a good fit.

Pretty much from the time i got enggaged, I knew that I would be happiest if I could go back to work. But, my fiance and I both felt that it was best for our relation if I arranged the enggagement party before i leave back to work again.That was nearly 2 months ago.

While I feel that our relation has benefitted from my being with her most of the time (except some days when i had something else to do), I have been depressed, stressed about money, and generally unhappy in our current situation.

Furthermore, various family members are giving me guilt trips about what a ''terrible'' thing I'm doing to myself and about the way my JOB is controlling my life. ''You need to consider her feelings...'' (I think they're crazy but it still gets to me.)

Any and all advice (not criticism) is most welcome. It would be helpful to know of people who've faced similar situations that worked out well.


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