HotScripts Newsletter

Greetings all,

Every day, thousands of us take a leap into the Web development industry, while those who are established are constantly migrating to or learning new web technologies. The web is full of technical, in-depth tutorials, but a decent introductory article relating to learning new web technologies can be very difficult to find. And that’s what brings us to this issue of HotScripts Newsletter - to guide you in your effort in learning and implementing any new web technologies.
If you are like many people who want to have their own website or if you are already familiar with some core web technologies and want to learn new ones, you have probably looked at the coding behind those web pages with great confusion, or have been bamboozled by jargon and thought to yourself “I could never do that!”

Well, guess what? You can! It’s not as hard as it looks. I’m going to show you how to take your first step into any web technology new to you, be it HTML or PHP. So when you’re ready, grab a cup of coffee and carry on reading!


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